I keep some notes here, mostly development related things, as well as "quick ref"-guides on Linux commands and similar things.
Note: This book contains public notes only. My private notes are kept elsewhere.
The source code from which this book is generated is available on
Bash / Linux / GNU tools quick ref
Terminal Signals :stop_sign:
Cancel (kill) app/job
suspend (pause) an app/job (go back to bash)- Resume job
(list all withjobs
- Resume job
Readline :ledger:
Go to beginning of line
Go to end of line
Delete line
Ctrl-x <Backspace>
Move by words
Ctrl- <Arrow-Keys>
Open command in $EDITOR, execute upon exit
Ctrl-x Ctrl-e
Files and Directories :file_folder:
Copy file contents to clipboard (on WSL)
cat $file | clip.exe
Copy file contents to clipboard (on Wayland)
cat $file | wl-copy
Search command history:
<C-r> startOfCommand
Search for "pattern" and print matching lines:
. Hint: ripgreprg
is easier to use and super fast. -
Find files by filename:
find . -name Foo.txt
Find files case insensitive filename:
find . -iname "*foo*txt"
Or use a fuzzy finder (fzf/skim/neovim telescope).
Create symlink
ln -s actual_file_path symlink_path
Extract .tar.gz file
tar -xzf <filename
(remember eXtract tZe File)
Networking :globe_with_meridians:
List ip-address
ip addr
List ip addresses on same network:
ip neigh
ssh username@ip -p portnumber
- Start ssh service to allow log-ins (fedora)
systemctl start sshd.service
- Start ssh service to allow log-ins (fedora)
Copy files between local computer and remote
scp $file username@ip:/home/$dir
orscp username@ip:/home/$file $localdir
tmux :computer:
list sessions
tmux ls
orCtrl-b s
tmux attach #
rename window
Ctrl-b ,
new pane
Ctrl-b "
orCtrl-b %
break out pane to a new window
Ctrl-b !
toggle layouts
Ctrl-b <space>
resize pane
Ctrl-b :resize-pane -{L|R|D|U} {cellSize}
. Can also be done from the shell:$ tmux resize-pane -R 10
resize panes
Ctrl-b alt-arrows
tmux display-popup [-E 'python']
Gnome :framed_picture:
Activities overview:
Move focus to menubar:
<super> <f10>
Move focus between window and menubar:
<control> <alt> <tab>
Switch between windows:
<super> <tab>
- Then press
to switch through windows within an application
- Then press
Switch between workspaces:
<super> <alt> <arrow>
Snap window:
<super> <arrow-keys>
Move window to another screen:
<shift> <super> <arrow-keys>
Pop open window menu:
<alt> <space>
Focus on active notification:
<super> n
Show notification list:
<super> v
Send notification from terminal:
$ notify-send 'Hello world' 'the command has finished'
Lock screen:
<super> l
Project external displays:
<super> P
Toggle zoom:
<alt> <super> 8
Emoji picker:
<windows> <.> <keyword> <space> <space>
- Note: Does not work in all applications. E.g. Currently doesn't work in Chrome.
alacritty :keyboard:
- Launch vi mode: Ctrl Shift Space
systemctl & UEFI/BIOS :control_knobs:
Boot into UEFI/BIOS:
sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup
See boot order
sudo efibootmgr
Boot next
sudo efibootmgr --bootnext XXXX
Configure systemd-resolved to not use azure private endpoints
Create file /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/az_blob_pub.conf with the following content
# Work around missconfigured peerings from on-prem networks to azure blob storage private endpoints # by forcing DNS to a public DNS server (in this case cloudflare DNS) [Resolve] DNS= 2606:4700:4700::1111
Good to know cURL options
Download to file using filename from URL:
. Don't show the progress bar. -
Follow redirects:
--retry <n>
Fail silently on HTTP errors / bad status codes:
Include response headers in output:
-u username:pass
Client certs:
--cert cert-w-key.pem:password
or--cert cert.crt --key key.key
Allow insecure TLS connections (i.e. untrusted certs):
STDIN as body:
. f.json | curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- http://api
json (curl >= 7.82):
jo name=christian tool=curl | curl --json @- http://api | jq
Override dns resolve:
curl https://domain.example --connect-to domain.example:443:
Docker quick ref :whale:
Most used commands:
docker ps
,docker images
,docker build
,docker run
Most used docker-run flags:
interactive terminal,-d
detached (in the background) -
Detach from running container: Ctrl P Q
Remove all non-running images:
docker rmi $(docker ps -aq)
ordocker image prune -a
Check disk usage:
docker system df
Exec as specific user:
docker exec -u root -it <containername>
Run container with the same network namespace as another:
docker run -it --network container:<containername> alpine
.NET Quick-Ref
run xunit tests with output to console:
dotnet test --logger "console;verbosity=detailed" --filter <filterexpr>
can be e.g. the test name, or with XUnit.Categories e.g.Feature=83922
. But if we are interested in the output then it's best to run one test at a time, otherwise it's hard to find.
run fsharp fsx script
dotnet fsi <filename>
open fsharp interpreter
dotnet fsi --readline
Fixes and work-arounds
error when running ef core database migrations on (some) linux platforms- Add
--runtime linux-x64
to the cli command
- Add
when connecting to database over HTTPS on older versions of dotnet core with newer versions of OpenSSLMicrosoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 35 - An internal exception was caught) ... ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SslInitializer' threw an exception. ---> Interop+Crypto+OpenSslCryptographicException: error:0E076071:configuration file routines:module_run:unknown module name
- Set environment variable
before/while running your command Source:
- Set environment variable
Git quick-ref :tanabata_tree:
Open help-page: git help command
Everyday work
Check what's up
git status
See what happened
git log [--graph --date=human --stat]
one-line commits:
git log [--graph] --oneline
show the patch:
git log [--graph] -p
Add files to stage
git add filename
- Stage part of file
git add -p filename
- Stage part of file
Unstage file
git restore --staged <filename>
Check diff
git diff branch1 branch2
orfile1 file2
Check message and diff of commit:
git show <commit-hash>
- Include commit (as well as author) date:
git show --format=fuller <commit-hash>
- Include commit (as well as author) date:
Check diff for a merge commit:
- Given this commit:
commit ccc333 Merge: aaa111 bbb222
git diff aaa111...bbb222
Exclude specific file from diff:
git diff -- . ':!package-lock.json'
orgit show HEAD -- . ':!Cargo.lock'
Commit stage to current branch
git commit
Commit all tracked files with changes:
git commit -a
Use interactive patch selection to decide what to commit:
git commit -p
Show diff below the commit message:
git commit -v
Restore file to HEAD
git restore <filename>
Restore file to branch
git restore -s <branchname> <filename>
Does origin/master have new commits? (commits not reachable from HEAD)
git fetch origin && git log ..origin/master
Ignore future local changes to a tracked file (useful for config files...)
git update-index --skip-worktree <filename>
- Undo with
git update-index --no-skip-worktree <filename>
- Undo with
Apply patch (3-way merge)
git show <sha1> | git apply -3
Show branches
git branch
orgit branch -vv
orgit branch -r
Create branch
git branch <branch-name>
Switch to branch
git switch <branch>
Do both 2 above
git switch -c <branch name>
Merge/rebase branch first checkout the to-branch then
git merge <from-branch>
orgit rebase <from-branch>
Delete branch
git branch -d <branch>
force delete withgit branch -D <branch>
Delete every branch except master
git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D
Reset branch to earlier commit / branch / tag
git reset --hard <commit>
Clean up latest n commits (opens interactive rebase editor letting you squash, pick, fixup, reorder)
git rebase -i HEAD~n
Rebase and update intermediate "feature branches"
git rebase --update-refs
Fetch latest changes
git fetch <remote>
- And remove remote remote tracking branches which have been deleted
git fetch -p <remote>
(shows [gone] ongit branch -v
- And remove remote remote tracking branches which have been deleted
Show remote info
git remote -v
or more info withgit remote show <remote>
Fetch and merge
git pull
Push to remote
git push <remote> <branch> [--force-with-lease]
Push and add upstream (tracking) reference
git push -u <remote> <branch>
Delete remote branch
git push <remote> -d <branch>
Update submodules
git submodule update
orgit submodule update --remote
Finding commits
Search by author:
git log --author <name>
Search by commit message:
git log --grep <regexp>
Search by patch text (i.e. diff content):
git log -G <regexp>
GitHub tips and tricks
- Clear cache, if using GitHub Actions cache (e.g. for docker build):
gh cache delete --all --repo {org}/{repo}
Notes about TLS, PKI, certs and keys.
Everything you should know about certificates and PKI but are too afraid to ask
Good read 😊 by SmallStep
Fun facts
PEM stands for Privacy Enhanced Email. It was originally developed to encrypt emails. It never cought on, though, and the related RFC's were eventually obsoleted by PGP and S/MIME.
Step CLI
Similar to openssl
but with better UX.
It is now possible[1] to perform chosen-prefix attacks against the SHA-1 algorithm for less than USD$50K. For this reason, we will be disabling the "ssh-rsa" public key signature algorithm by default in a near-future release.
Solution: Switch SSH keys to Eliptic Curve ed25519
EC cryptography for dummies
Microsoft 365 related notes
Roadmap items I'm interested in
MS Teams keyboard shortcuts
Focus on search field: Ctrl-E
Focus on search field for command: Ctrl-/
Switch chats: Alt-
Switch sidebar tabs: Ctrl-1/2/3/4.. (web Ctrl-Shift-1/2/3/4..)
Keyboard driven chat: Switch focus with
, enter reaction menu with<enter>
Python Quick-Ref
Managing python versions, environments and dependencies
Use uv!
"uv-first" projects
Initialize project and create venv
uv init {project_name}
Add dep
uv add {dep}[version_constraint]
Remove dep
uv remove {dep}
Upgrade dep
uv lock --upgrade-package {dep}
"pip-first" projects
Initialize venv
uv venv --python 3.12 . .venv/bin/activate
If relying on internal packages using Azure DevOps Artifacts, the UV_EXTRA_INDEX_URL env variable can be used to configure this. A personal access token can be included in the URL for basic auth (see uv docs for details).
For my current (2024) project I'm adjusting the venv activate script to set this environment variable when activating venv, and unset it in the deactivate function. It is also possible to add the index url to pyproject.toml, but then authorization must be handled differently, e.g. with artifacts-keyring (obviously don't check your PAT into git).
Add dep
uv pip install {dep}
Or add it to requirements.txt and
uv pip install -r requirements.txt
Or add it to pyproject.toml dependencies and
uv pip install -e .
Remove dep
uv pip uninstall {dep}
Upgrade dep
uv pip install -U {dep}
Or update version constraints in requirements.txt if needed and
uv pip install -U -r requirements.txt
Convenient cli's
Generate a uuid:
python -m uuid
Serve static files in current directory:
python -m http.server 8000
Logging in pytest output
pytest -o log_cli=true --log-level=DEBUG
or persistant in a config file, which by convention resides in the root directory of the repository
# pytest.ini
# pyproject.toml
ruff format {file|dir}
ruff check [--fix] {file|dir}
Organize imports:
ruff check --fix --select I
or add to pyproject.toml:[tool.ruff.lint] extend-select = ["I"]
Example config:
[tool.ruff] line-length = 120 [tool.ruff.lint] extend-select = ["I"] [tool.ruff.lint.isort] known-first-party = ["myorg_*"]
A fork of the Pyright LSP with various feature improvements, such as code action for missing imports!
Works nicely with terminal editors like Helix.
Interesting Python / JS Interop project
Vim favorite commands / built in stuff
CTRL-] or gd - Jump to definition
CTRL-O Jump back
CTRL-I Jump forward
K show definition of keyword
f {char} - go to first occurance of char
t {char} - go just before first occurance of char
Helix (move me somewhere?)
- Due to some intelligent(ish) workspace root detection looking for .git folder, make sure to open deno files from the correct folder.
Web related notes
Chromium features to follow :eyes:
Shared element transitions: Polished transitions/animations when navigating between pages in web applications.
Multi-Screen window placement: Allow web applications to offer compelling multi-screen experiences.
Chrome & Web news
- Check for tutorials :smile: e.g. to learn about progressive web apps
"New" HTML elements
Web authentication using public key cryptography instead of passwords
Federated credential management without needing third-party cookies.