Git quick-ref :tanabata_tree:
Open help-page: git help command
Everyday work
Check what's up
git status
See what happened
git log [--graph --date=human --stat]
one-line commits:
git log [--graph] --oneline
show the patch:
git log [--graph] -p
Add files to stage
git add filename
- Stage part of file
git add -p filename
- Stage part of file
Unstage file
git restore --staged <filename>
Check diff
git diff branch1 branch2
orfile1 file2
Check message and diff of commit:
git show <commit-hash>
- Include commit (as well as author) date:
git show --format=fuller <commit-hash>
- Include commit (as well as author) date:
Check diff for a merge commit:
- Given this commit:
commit ccc333 Merge: aaa111 bbb222
git diff aaa111...bbb222
Exclude specific file from diff:
git diff -- . ':!package-lock.json'
orgit show HEAD -- . ':!Cargo.lock'
Commit stage to current branch
git commit
Commit all tracked files with changes:
git commit -a
Use interactive patch selection to decide what to commit:
git commit -p
Show diff below the commit message:
git commit -v
Restore file to HEAD
git restore <filename>
Restore file to branch
git restore -s <branchname> <filename>
Does origin/master have new commits? (commits not reachable from HEAD)
git fetch origin && git log ..origin/master
Ignore future local changes to a tracked file (useful for config files...)
git update-index --skip-worktree <filename>
- Undo with
git update-index --no-skip-worktree <filename>
- Undo with
Apply patch (3-way merge)
git show <sha1> | git apply -3
Show branches
git branch
orgit branch -vv
orgit branch -r
Create branch
git branch <branch-name>
Switch to branch
git switch <branch>
Do both 2 above
git switch -c <branch name>
Merge/rebase branch first checkout the to-branch then
git merge <from-branch>
orgit rebase <from-branch>
Delete branch
git branch -d <branch>
force delete withgit branch -D <branch>
Delete every branch except master
git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D
Reset branch to earlier commit / branch / tag
git reset --hard <commit>
Clean up latest n commits (opens interactive rebase editor letting you squash, pick, fixup, reorder)
git rebase -i HEAD~n
Rebase and update intermediate "feature branches"
git rebase --update-refs
Fetch latest changes
git fetch <remote>
- And remove remote remote tracking branches which have been deleted
git fetch -p <remote>
(shows [gone] ongit branch -v
- And remove remote remote tracking branches which have been deleted
Show remote info
git remote -v
or more info withgit remote show <remote>
Fetch and merge
git pull
Push to remote
git push <remote> <branch> [--force-with-lease]
Push and add upstream (tracking) reference
git push -u <remote> <branch>
Delete remote branch
git push <remote> -d <branch>
Update submodules
git submodule update
orgit submodule update --remote
Finding commits
Search by author:
git log --author <name>
Search by commit message:
git log --grep <regexp>
Search by patch text (i.e. diff content):
git log -G <regexp>
GitHub tips and tricks
- Clear cache, if using GitHub Actions cache (e.g. for docker build):
gh cache delete --all --repo {org}/{repo}